The Manage-A-Bull Podcast: Leadership — Integrity, Vulnerability, Empathy and Service


Host: Anders T. Rosen Roundtable Guests: Nil Patel, Elizabeth Lepertine, Assistant Dean Erin O’Brien Listen to the podcast on Apple / Google / Stitcher. What makes someone a leader, and can anyone become one? These are just a pair of Continue reading The Manage-A-Bull Podcast: Leadership — Integrity, Vulnerability, Empathy and Service

Swapping Music For An MBA | Meet Two MBAs Who Made An Unusual Career Switch

Kate Jarvis, Jake Walsh

This content is archived. Written by Jonathan Oldaker, BusinessBecause, April 30, 2020. Not all MBAs come from finance, consulting, or big business backgrounds. These two former music professionals are reaping the benefits of an alternative start to their business careers What Continue reading Swapping Music For An MBA | Meet Two MBAs Who Made An Unusual Career Switch