Dr. Hui Li visited our lab today and delivered a presentation titled “Get Published in High-Impact Journals–An Editor’s Perspective.” Following his talk, we all enjoyed dinner together.

Welcome our new lab member, Shuoqi Song! She got her Master degree in Teacher Education from Beijing Normal University. She is is a first-year PhD student in the Department of Learning and Instruction. Her research interests include sociology and anthropology of childhood, technology integration in early childhood education, post-human childhood, and transition from kindrgarten to school.

Welcome our new lab member, Dr. Xintian Tu, the new postdoc at the UB Institute for Learning Sciences! She got her Ph.D. in Learning Sciences with a doctoral minor in Inquiry Methodology at Indiana University. She is interested in embodied learning, play, and assessing young children’s learning. Her expertise included designing advanced technology (e.g. Mixed Reality) for young children and capturing learning within dynamic and interactive learning environments. 

SUNY chancellor, state lawmakers hear how UB researchers are using AI for public good. Read more…

Lab ISLS Memory.

Institute of Learning Science Institute was Launched at UB. This is a Special Celebration for UB ILS. Read more…

Dr. Wang, co-chairing with Chris Hoadley, successfully hosted the ISLS conference in Buffalo. The conference theme is “Learning as a cornerstone of healing, resilience, and community.” Read more…

Grace, serving as the student co-chair of the Volunteer Committee, coordinated the volunteers and provided crucial support during the conference. Joy and Yuya also contributed as volunteers.

Grace & Joy presented their work separately at the ISLS conference. Read more… 

Congratulations to Grace for being awarded to LAI Leadership Excellence Award in the LAI Award Ceremony and the End of Year party.

Congratulations to Dr. Wang for being awarded the Mentorship Award from GSE. Read more… 

Grace was selected to present her work on AI ethic study for the 2024 Celebration of Student Academic Excellence! 

AERA Highlight Moments: Catching up with friends, enjoying lively receptions, feeling joy, and celebrating achievements! Read more… 

Grace and Dr. Wang presented their work at AERA 2024 in Philadelphia. Read more… 

Joy presented “Striving Fit In: A Case Study of an International Intern Teacher in a Toddlers’ Classroom” at 2024 CAERDA International Conference in Philadelphia!

Schumer, NSF director say UB is ready to lead nation in AI for social good. Read more… 

Joy presented “Cultivating Computational Thinking in 4-5-year-old Chinese Americans through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” at the 31st Annual GSE Research Symposium.

Grace presented “Productive Multivocality in AI Development: Excavating Ethics Concerns among an Interdisciplinary Team” at the 31st Annual GSE Research Symposium.

Dr. Wang and Grace collaborated with Dr. Yun Huang and her student Qingxiao Zheng at ECRC to test out the prototype AI storytelling tool. Read more… 

Dr. Wang and Grace took part in the NSF Annual Site Visit for AI4ExceptionalED.

Grace delivered a presentation and showcased a poster on her AI ethics study during the NSF Annual Site Visit.

ISLS Buffalo 2024

Both Joy’s and Grace’s first-authored short papers are accepted by ISLS 2024. Congratulations! Read more… 

Grace, Joy, and Dr. Wang standing on a city street.

Congratulations to Joy and Grace on receiving GSE student research awards to present at AERA 2024.

Dr. Li Hui gives a presentation

Dr. Li Hui, a Global Researcher Scholar in Residence, gives a presentation on ECE AI Literacy. Read more…

Yuya Yamamoto

Welcome Yuya!
Yuya Yamamoto is joining the Team.

A teacher, a student, a robot, and a map

Dr. Wang is spearheading a new AI+Education Learning Community Series

young students playing with a yellow robot

The robot party!
We are wrapping up our robot curriculum pilot. Read more…

PlayfulAI Learning & Design Lab Logo

Our Lab is Funded!
We are awarded by GSE Equity-Oriented Transformative Research Labs Program.  

Young students in a group looking at a robot

The “Robot Day” on the Buffalo News
Our robot curriculum is featured on the front page of Buffalo News.

Teachers and students playing with robot

We are launching an 8-week robot curriculum plot at the ECRC.

A young boy holding a tablet computer

Our AI Literacies Project is funded by NSF

UB awarded $20 million from NSF to establish the AI Institute for Exceptional Education