The Pesticide Research Network recently held its first successful Early Careers Workshop, designed to give graduate students and faculty support and feedback on scholarly works-in-progress. Our first participants sharing their work were Abhigya, a visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, and student at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi and Lorena Arias Solano from the Interdisciplinary Center for Development Studies (CIDER) at Universidad de los Andes. Abhigya circulated a working chapter of her dissertation entitled Beyond crops and corporations: Shaping crop protection practices in ‘basmati’ rice cultivation in the Western plains of Uttar Pradesh and received feedback from Aniket Aga (Ashoka University) and Annie Shattuck (Indiana University). Lorena depicted her research through a short video and shared a working proposal entitled Waterscapes, sugar production and politics of death in Colombia. She received feedback from Becky Mansfield (Ohio State University) and Marion Werner (University at Buffalo, SUNY).
The research network plans for an upcoming fall workshop in September.