Kien Chantal Che

Kien Chantal Che is married and has a son. She got her BA in 2019 and had to drop out of school for a while due to lack of funds. She has worked as a History and Citizenship teacher and also discipline mistress since 2019-2022 at Wisdom College Mankon. Generally she loves schooling and learning new ideas. KPAAM-CAM has been a great opportunity for her and she intends to make the most of it. She plans to continue to the PhD level so she can fulfill her dreams of becoming a lecturer in Linguistics and African Languages. She chose lecturing as a career as it will allow her to progress in terms of expertise, socioeconomic development and innovation through exposure to new ideas. Through the training she received at KPAAM-CAM and also financial assistance, she will be able to carry out her research and possibly future researches without much stress. She is really grateful for the opportunity and knowledge she has acquired and will still acquire through this collaboration with KPAAM-CAM.

Socio-pragmatic study of Personal Names in Fang.
In respect to her research, she intends to go for field trip by the end of October, where she will use a period of one month to collect data. Since she is using the qualitative approach, she will be using several methods in collecting data like focus group discussions. Immediately when she gets back, she will get to analyzing the data collected and encoding it as metadata. She intends to be done with each chapter in a month maximum with the help of her supervisor. She intends to work on her project with all the available resources so as to finish before the deadline.

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