We greatly appreciate the following grants supporting the research in IDEAS lab:
Total grant support: $1,153,930, My contribution in the total funding: 67% or $774,786
- “Collaborative Research: Controlling Flow Separation via Traveling Wave Actuators”, NSF, CBET, $252,449 (collaborator PI: Dr. Iman Borazjani, Texas A&M $246,000), 2019- 2022.
- “Vibration Powered Leadless Pacemakers”, UB Accelerator Fund, $50,000 2019- 2020.
- “Development of energy harvesters for powering leadless pacemakers from myocardial motion”, NIH/NIBIB, $403,481, Co-PI: David Bradley M.D. University of Michigan Children’s Hospital. July 2017-July 2019 (My part: $375,337. The proposal was ranked in top two percentile among those in the review panel)
- “EAGER: Tuning Granular Phononic Crystals through Pattern Transformation”, NSF, Co-PI (PI: Jongmin Shim, UB CSEE), $150,000, September 2016-January 2019. (My part: $50,000)
- “Energy Harvesting for Powering Pacemakers”, NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps), $3,000, September 2017- August 2018.
- “Controlled buckling shoe‐sole energy harvester”, eGravitas, Ltd., $18,000, November 2015-August 2016.
- “Vibration Powered Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker”, UB Translational Pilot Studies Fund, $25,000 2014- 2016.
- “Nonlinear Rotary Translational Energy Harvester for Wind and Wave Power Generation”, SUNY RF Sustainability program, $6,000 2014