
Trina Hamilton is an Associate Professor with a cross-appointment in Geography and Environment & Sustainability. She is a human geographer with expertise on governance networks, social movements, corporate social and environmental responsibility, ethical commodity markets, urban sustainability politics, and environmental gentrification. The research interest that ties her work together is the framing of political demands and the development of governance mechanisms targeting corporations and governments over environmental and spatial justice issues. She is particularly interested in the overlapping of marketplace politics and traditional political spheres. She recently co-edited the book Just Green Enough: Urban Development and Environmental Gentrification (with Winifred Curran for Routledge’s Equity, Justice and the Sustainable City Series). She is also working on a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research project on the ethical diamond trade that looks at the implications of ethical monopolies by country of origin, the rise of lab-created diamonds, and the future of blockchain-oriented governance. Trina is actively involved in UB’s Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy and the Great Lakes Feminist Geography Collective, and serves on the editorial board for Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. Trina’s research and commentary has been featured in the popular press, including Discover magazine, FastCompany, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, and The Washington Post.
Select publications
Hamilton, T. and S. Cavello. 2021. Ethical product havens in the global diamond trade: Using the Wayback Machine to evaluate ethical market outcomes. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.
Curran, W. and Hamilton, T. 2020. Nature-based solutions in hiding: Goslings and greening in the still-industrial city. Socio-Ecological Practice Research 2: 321-327.
Winifred Curran and Trina Hamilton (eds.). 2018. Just Green Enough: Urban development and environmental gentrification (Routledge Equity, Justice and the Sustainable City series). London, UK: Routledge.
Hamilton, T. 2013. Beyond market signals: Negotiating marketplace politics and corporate responsibilities. Economic Geography 89: 285-307.
Hamilton, T. and W. Curran. 2013. From “five angry women” to “kick ass community”: Gentrification and environmental activism in Brooklyn and beyond. Urban Studies 50: 1557-1574.
Curran, W. and T. Hamilton. 2012. Just green enough: Contesting environmental gentrification in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Local Environment 17: 1027-1042.
Hamilton, T. 2011. Putting corporate responsibility in its place. Geography Compass 5: 710-722.