
Marion Werner is an Associate Professor in Geography with a cross-appointment in Global Gender and Sexuality Studies. Her research is focused on the economic restructuring of export industries, the gender and racial politics of labor, and the political economy of agri-food systems. Her latest project explores the restructuring of the global pesticide industry and its implications for labor and the environment. Research is supported by the US and Swiss National Science Foundations. This collaborative project draws on political ecology, feminist science studies and a chemical geographies perspective to examine the decline of the world’s most widely used herbicide called Round Up (or glyphosate). Werner is the author of Global Displacements: The making of uneven development in the Caribbean (Wiley, 2016) and co-Editor of The Doreen Massey Reader and companion essay volume, Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues. Marion co-directs the Center for Trade, Environment and Development (UB), is a founding member of the Pesticide Trade Lab, and was Editor of Antipode: A radical journal of geography (2017-2022).
Recent publications
Recent Publications
Werner, M. 2021 Geographies of Production III: Global production in/through nature. Progress in Human Geography. Online.
Werner, M., Berndt, C. and Mansfield, B. 2021. The Glyphosate Assemblage: Herbicides, uneven development and chemical geographies of ubiquity. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
Werner, M. 2021. Geographies of Production II: Thinking through the state. Progress in Human Geography. 45(1): 178-189.
Werner, M. 2021. Placing the State in the Contemporary Food Regime: Uneven regulatory development in the Dominican Republic. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(1): 137-158.
Berndt, C., Werner, M., and Fernández, VR. 2020. Postneoliberalism as institutional recalibration: Reading Polanyi through Argentina’s soy boom. EPA: Economy and Space. 52(1): 216-236.
Werner, M., Isa, P., Mui, Y., and Stokes-Ramos, H. 2019. International trade and the neoliberal diet in Central America and the Dominican Republic: Bringing social inequality to the center of analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 239: 1-11.