
Jaume Franquesa is Associate Professor and Chair of the Anthropology Department. His research combines historical and ethnographic perspectives to engage with issues of energy transition, nature commodification, and rural politics and memory. His latest publications include the monograph Power struggles: Dignity, value and the renewable energy frontier in Spain (2018, Indiana University Press) and a special issue on “Right-wing populism in rural Europe” (2020, in Sociologia Ruralis). Franquesa’s new research explores how the rise of far-right politics is leading to new forms of authoritarian environmentalism in Europe. He is also at work on an historical inquiry into the shifting energy bases of the industrialization process in 19th-century Catalonia. Finally, with collaborators at the University at Barcelona, Franquesa forms part of a research project on the long-term consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on food systems in Spain funded by the Spanish government. He is also the co-editor of the journal Dialectical anthropology.
Select publications
Franquesa, J. Forthcoming in 2022. Unruly workers and laborless landscapes: The role of marginal places and redundant people in energy transitions. The Routledge handbook of the anthropology of labor. Edited by S. Kasmir and L. Gill. Routledge.
Franquesa, J. Forthcoming in 2022. Natural resources: The twice hidden abode of economic processes. A handbook of economic anthropology, revised 3rd edition. Edited by James Carrier. Edward Elgar.
Mamonova, N., J. Franquesa and S. Brooks. 2020. ‘Actually existing’ right-wing populism in rural Europe: Insights from Eastern Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and Ukraine. The journal of peasant studies 47(7): 1497-1525. 10.1080/03066150.2020.1830767
Reprinted in: (2021) Authoritarian populism and the rural world. Edited by I. Scoones, M. Edelman, S.M. Borras Jr, R. Hall, W. Wolford and B. White. Pp. 420-447 (Chapter 18). London: Routledge. 10.4324/9781003162353-18
Mamonova, N. and J. Franquesa. 2020. Right-wing populism in rural Europe. Introduction to the special issue. Sociologia ruralis 60(4): 702-709. 10.1111/soru.12306
Mamonova, N. and J. Franquesa. 2020. Populism, neoliberalism and agrarian movements in Europe: Understanding rural support for right-wing politics and looking for progressive solutions. Sociologia ruralis 60(4): 710-731. 10.1111/soru.12291
Franquesa, J. 2020. Haciendo y deshaciendo baldíos: Desarrollo energético y luchas de valor en la Cataluña Sur. Revista andaluza de antropología 18: 77-97 [In Spanish]. 10.12795/RAA.2019.18.05
Franquesa, J. 2019. The vanishing exception: Republican and reactionary specters of populism in rural Spain. The journal of peasant studies 46(3): 537-560. DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2019.1578751
Reprinted in: (2021) Authoritarian populism and the urral world. Edited by I. Scoones, M. Edelman, S.M. Borras Jr, R. Hall, W. Wolford and B. White. Pp.177-200 (Chapter 8). Routledge. 10.4324/9781003162353-8
Franquesa, J. 2019. Resources: Nature, value and time. A research agenda for economic anthropology. Edited by J. Carrier. Pp. 74-89. Edward Elgar. 10.4337/9781788116107.00010
Franquesa, J. 2018. Power struggles: Dignity, value, and the renewable energy frontier in Spain. Indiana University Press. 10.2307/j.ctvvnf9g
Franquesa, J. 2018. D’erms, pagesos i molins. Arxiu d’etnografia de Catalunya 18: 159-192 [in Catalan]. 10.17345/aec18.159-192