In summer 2013, University at Buffalo signed an MOU with the Indian Health Service committing the university to the tasks of improving the health of the indigenous people of Western New York and making active efforts to improve access to UB for Native students. I have served as the dean’s point person for the execution of this MOU. My work to date has been focussed on reaching out to the Six Nations, making them aware of UB’s interest in forming partnerships, and working with the Indian Health Service to identify potentially important UB services and programs that could be directed toward improving the health of indigenous people.
UB on the Green
UB on the Green is a free, outdoor, family-friendly festival of music, dance and fun, celebrating summer in the South Campus neighborhood. Community residents bring their own lawn chairs, food and drinks to Hayes Hall Lawn, and enjoy great entertainment, hands-on activities, and dynamic demonstrations and workshops. UB on the Green features an exciting theme each night, including “Unity in the Community & Health Care Fair Night,” “Arts & Culture Night” and “Athletics Night.”