This peer-based, mentor-driven program will empower entrepreneurs to overcome business challenges, create new opportunities and develop meaningful connections within the business community. Meeting once a week during the 10-month program, Core participants explore new methods for business growth in a confidential, noncompetitive environment with assistance from fellow classmates, UB School of Management faculty and external business experts. The Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL) Core Program is designed for business owners and leaders with ventures that have progressed beyond the startup phase of operation. Core is for individuals that wish to move beyond their current organizational and revenue plateaus, be more strategic and less encumbered by day-to-day issues, implement tactical and strategic changes, control and direct the forces that shape their lives, and contribute to the community and the lives of others through their ventures.
Mastering Your Financial Reports
The Mastering Your Financial Reports Program was created to better equip business owners with knowledge needed to lead their businesses to financial success and long-term stability.
Key Persons Leadership Development
Every organization has expectations of its “key people.” Participants in this program are coached as individuals striving to reach enterprise goals while keeping their unique strengths, weaknesses, learning and communication styles.
43 North Mentor Program
The 43 North Mentor Program was created to optimize business success and quality of life for the competition’s finalists and their companies.
Growing a Healthy Family Business
Growing a Healthy Family Business places its emphasis on empowering family members to come together, learn together and identify and apply solutions together. Leadership development, generational perspectives and succession planning are a specific focus of our programs. The Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL) also offers competency workshops specific to family business enterprises.
High-Tech CEL
High-Tech CEL provides support and guidance to key team members of early-stage and established companies pursuing the high-tech and life sciences commercialization pathway through a combination of interactive educational sessions, mentoring and networking opportunities with other entrepreneurs and people important to long-term success, such as investors.
Advanced Core Program
Designed for graduates of the CEL Core program, this professionally facilitated, mentor-based forum guides participants as they implement and execute the plans they developed in the Core program. Participants benefit from an intimate and challenging environment. A cohort of fellow classmates serves as a personal advisory board and accountability group driving each entrepreneur forward.
Startup CEL
The Startup CEL program provides specialized support and guidance to companies pursuing a business opportunity with the goal of helping these companies build more effective teams and better navigate the complex pathway to commercializing their products, service or technology.
Allstate Entrepreneur Support Program
The Allstate Minority and Women Emerging Entrepreneurs (MWEE) program creates opportunities for individuals leading minority-owned and women-owned enterprises into advanced stages of development. The program’s mission is to construct a pathway that enables minority and women entrepreneurs to move their companies to the next stage of development. The Allstate Entrepreneur Support Program uses the principles of the Allstate MWEE Program but brings the resources directly to the entrepreneurs’ neighborhoods in order to have a larger impact — this is because the focus is on one designated business community. The first pilot was conducted in the Kensington/Bailey business district.
Allstate Minority and Women Emerging Entrepreneurs Program
The Allstate Minority and Women Emerging Entrepreneurs program creates opportunities for individuals leading minority-owned and women-owned enterprises into advanced stages of development. The program’s mission is to construct a pathway that enables minority and women entrepreneurs to move their companies to the next stage of development.