Places To Find Projects.

There’s not enough time in your classroom lessons to learn everything you need to know about your programs and that’s why personal projects are important. They help build your skills and give you a deeper understanding of the class material. Most importantly, they also make you more competitive in the application pool for jobs and internships. Think about it from an employer’s perspective: A person who has any experience outside of their classwork activities shows that they are driven and they are willing to use their personal time to improve their skills. It also shows you know how to learn independently and these are all these are attractive qualities to have as a candidate for a job.

In general, personal projects are a great place to learn new technology and software that other companies use especially if there is a specific company you absolutely would love to work for. Look into the technology/frameworks that they use for development and use your personal projects to develop those skills. For example: if you are a freshman and want to get an internship with a big N company, look at their job descriptions for positions they have open for internships and start doing things that help you accumulate the experience they need you to have. 

Below are a couple of resources that are great for finding projects to work on in case you are struggling to find some. 

  • Some of your professors have projects that they work on continually and are willing to work with undergraduate students. Reach out to them to find out if you are able to participate in these projects.
  • UB Email Inbox 
    • I know you hate opening the mass emails that flood your inbox daily but there are PLENTY of opportunities for projects and internships that come through. It might be in your best interest to start reading them.
  • Your own head. Those ideas you think about then after 2 days discount, maybe you should try working on them and even if they don’t become the greatest developments, they will be a great way for you to improve your skills.  

I will keep adding to this list of resources when I come across other opportunities so be sure to check back here occasionally. Also, feel free to reach out at if you know of resources for projects that I could share with others. Enjoy your week!

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