Navigating the UB MIS Program Application Process

Written by: Ana Teressa Kamthankar, MS in MIS ’24

Hello, aspiring scholars! I’m thrilled to share my experiences and offer valuable insights into crafting a standout application for the Management Information Systems (MIS) program at the University at Buffalo. As a Dean’s Student Ambassador, I understand the intricacies of the application process, and I’m here to guide you on your journey to UB’s MIS program.

The MIS program at UB is a unique and dynamic field, and the first step is to understand its specific requirements. Start by getting acquainted with the application deadlines as timing is key. Ensure your submission is well ahead of schedule. Your personal statement is your canvas to showcase your passion for MIS, your relevant experiences, and your vision for your future in the field. A well-crafted personal statement can set you apart. Consider it your opportunity to share your journey and aspirations.

Given the MIS program’s nature, highlighting your IT and business background is invaluable. Emphasize your relevant coursework, certifications, or work experience in these areas. This demonstrates your readiness and commitment to the program. However, if you’ve faced academic challenges, don’t hesitate to address them in your application. Be prepared to explain these hurdles and emphasize your growth and resilience. It’s a testament to your determination. 

UB’s MIS program offers various financial aid and scholarship opportunities. Investigate these options and apply for financial assistance to make your academic journey more affordable. Remember, a helping hand can significantly ease the financial burden. Before you submit your application, meticulously review it for errors and inconsistencies. Have a trusted individual review it to ensure it is polished and error-free. 

Following this advice will prepare you to create an outstanding application for UB’s MIS program. Remember to stay organized, be authentic, and understand that your application reflects your potential and passion. Best of luck on your academic journey. With the Dean’s Student Ambassadors and UB’s admissions office ready to support you throughout the process, you can confidently turn your dream of pursuing the MIS program at UB into a reality!


Bio: Ana’s journey towards technology began at the Undergraduate Engineering College, where she pursued electronics and telecommunications. Encountering “Fundamentals of Programming Language” ignited her passion for programming. An iOS app project cemented her decision to switch to computer science. Her academic aspirations led to a transfer to computer engineering. Graduating from MIT Academy of Engineering, India in 2019, she honed analytical skills, excelling with top marks. Her bachelor’s program provided a holistic scientific perspective, culminating in projects like ‘Casa’ and ‘Content Based Image Retrieval,’ the latter of which was published in an international journal. As an application development analyst at Accenture India, she fortified her tech skills, gained Salesforce and Veeva Vault expertise, and improved regression testing methods, elevating efficacy by 50%. She was honored with the ‘Excellence in Collaboration’ award for my contributions.

The MS in Management Information Systems program at the University of Buffalo bridges technology and business. Its blend of tech and business courses aligns with my career aspirations. Analytical modules enhance decision-making, while IT risk and project management modules refine risk analysis and operational efficiency. Healthcare analytics courses align with my life science background. Armed with technical proficiency and cross-functional insight, she looks forward to contributing beyond academia, drawing on her management experience as the head of cultural events and community service engagements. This MS will refine her leadership for business technology challenges.

Photo credit: Tom Wolf

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