My Three Favorite Study Spots on North Campus

Written by: Graciana Truesdale, MS in Accounting ’24

Students are everywhere, hunched over tables scribbling in notebooks, and in groups taking a quick lunch break. A constant murmur of voices filling in the empty space. In another space, bookshelves and cubicles are everywhere. Floor-to-ceiling windows let in the most beautiful of sunny days, but also the dreariest of rainy ones. The only sound to be heard is the gentle humming of computers or the squeak of reclining office chairs. 

Depending on the kind of studying I need to do, I’ve found my three favorite places on UB’s North Campus, listed in the order of most to least favorite. For a quick reference of where they are on the North Campus, see the map below.  

A map of University at Buffalo North campus with a circle around Baird Hall, labeled #1. A circle around O'Brian Hall labeled #2. And a circle around Capen Hall labeled #3.

#1. The Music Library in Baird Hall (1st floor) 

The Music Library is my favorite study spot. I’ve had classes in the nearby Clemens Hall, Center for the Arts and Jacobs Management Center, and I quickly found and fell in love with this library. It’s one of the smallest libraries on campus, so it feels cozier and easier to settle in. When you walk in, you will see rows of study cubicles along the right wall and bookshelves extending to the back, while the left wall remains out of view. The bookshelves stand in the center of the library and separate the left and right walls. Upon exploration of the left wall, you’ll find two large tables that accommodate six people. 

A picture of the window of the UB Music Library.

This library is one of the quietest spots as almost everyone using the library maintains a quiet atmosphere. The addition of floor-to-ceiling windows along both walls, well-placed greenery and heating for the colder months, makes this place my first choice for getting work done. 

#2. The Law Library in O’Brian Hall (2nd floor) 

Another favorite spot to study is the Law Library. It is much larger than the Music Library, but just as quiet. There are plenty of desks and tables for studying and working. The library is huge and bookshelves are again strategically used to section off parts of the room. The lights are kept relatively dim with only the area immediately around the desks being lit with desk lamps and overhead lighting above tables.

There are two floors in the library and the overall atmosphere is “heavy.” There is a much more serious tone to the library where it feels like a crime to speak louder than a whisper. This atmosphere can be a bit much if you desire a relaxed study space, but if you want to focus and concentrate, this is the place to be. The tension created by this atmosphere encourages you to give up leisure and relaxation and to get to work. 

#3.The Silverman Library (Capen Hall, 2nd & 3rd floors)

The Silverman Library is one of the most popular libraries on campus. People are constantly moving in and out of it and it spans multiple floors. Here you can clearly hear others engaged in casual conversation. It is generally a bright and well-lit area as there are windows across the outer walls. It offers a wide variety of support, including quiet areas. This is a great choice for more relaxed and casual study activities. 

Good luck studying! 

Graciana Truesdale, MS in Accounting '24

Bio: Grace was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. She grew up as the youngest of five siblings with an older brother and triplet sisters all more than a decade older than her. As she grew up, she was surrounded by animals ranging from dogs and snakes to birds and fish. She was also surrounded by art and creative influences. With this upbringing, it was expected that she earned a bachelor’s degree in studio art from the University at Buffalo. What was unexpected was that she also earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting. During her undergraduate program, Grace also worked part-time at Wegmans Food Markets. Not only did she get to improve her customer service skills, but she also had the opportunity to try working in different departments. These opportunities led to her developing a love for accounting. Immediately after this discovery, Grace decided to take on a bachelor’s degree in accounting and has plans to work in the accounting field for the foreseeable future. When she has time to relax, Grace can often be found reading or playing with her dog, Shadow. These activities, along with photography and spending time with her friends, allow her to put in her best efforts in her work and academic endeavors.

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