Workspace ergonomics play a key roll in the prevention of eyestrain, neck & back aches, and repetitive stress injuries. Proper posture, seat height, and arm position are important. Take frequent breaks to relieve muscle tension and eye strain. More information can be found in Apple’s comprehensive discussion, Ergonomics.
Sexual Violence: UB is committed to providing a safe learning environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic and dating violence and stalking. If you have experienced gender-based violence (intimate partner violence, attempted or completed sexual assault, harassment, coercion, stalking, etc.), UB has resources to help. This includes academic accommodations, health and counseling services, housing accommodations, helping with legal protective orders, and assistance with reporting the incident to police or other UB officials if you so choose. Please contact UB’s Title IX Coordinator at 716-645-2266 for more information. For confidential assistance, you may also contact a Crisis Services Campus Advocate at 716-796-4399.
Mental Well-Being: As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. These might include strained relationships, anxiety, high levels of stress, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, health concerns, or unwanted sexual experiences. Counseling, Health Services, and Health Promotion are here to help with these or other issues you may experience. You learn can more about these programs and services by contacting:
- Counseling Services:
120 Richmond Quad (North Campus)
1st floor Michael Hall (South Campus)
Phone: 716-645-2720 - Health Services: 4350 Maple Rd, Buffalo, NY 14226, 716- 829-3316
- Health Promotion: 114 Student Union (North Campus), 716- 645-2837
In case of an on-campus emergency, call University Police, 716-645-2222. Only dial 911 if you are off-campus, or time will be lost as they have to contact UB Police.
A first aid kit is located in CFA 142.
An AED is located in the hallway opposite CFA 136 and elsewhere throughout most buildings on campus. Several CFA staff in the GD/AT area have been trained in the operation of the AED, including Dom Licata (CFA 139) and Vince Harzewski (CFA 103).
In the event of a medical emergency, confirm that the environment is clear of hazards, begin first aid/rescue if qualified, have someone retrieve the AED and if on-campus phone 716-645-2222.