Syllabus — Course Overview

This course focuses on aspects of professional front-end web design technologies and processes. The front-end designer deals with the visual and experiential aspects of the web site — what the user sees and how they interact with the content. This is accomplished with visual graphics software and code to structure and display content in a browser. This course will examine: visual design; hand-coding static HTML5/CSS3; dynamic sites using the WordPress content management system; responsive design for mobile devices, integration with social media channels; information architecture; and user experience design.

Outcomes & Assessments

By the end of the course, students should be able to:Method of Assessment:
Employ the techniques used in the professional practice of web design to design, deploy and maintain a dynamic, responsive website.Successful completion of Projects 1-2
Hand code a website using HTML5 and CSS3Successful completion of Project 1
Install WordPress and modify themes Successful completion of Project 1-2
Understand the basic concepts of dynamic coding languages, including JavaScript, PHP and mySQL Successful completion of Project 2
Integrate site content with social media channels Successful completion of Project 2
Discuss the design process with a client, analyze supplied content and create information architectures to facilitate navigation and meaningful user experience Successful completion of Project 2
Utilize critical problem solving, decision-making skills, and relevant vocabulary necessary for presenting work and engaging the work of others.Every project submission is preceded by a critique and discussion of the progress of the work-in-progress. Each student will be encouraged and required to present their ideas and reasoning to their classmates with the emphasis on succinct and articulate thoughts that engage their audience.