
ART 320 LAB — Licata — Fall 2024

3 Credits

Syllabus Summary

  1. This class meets in-person on T/Th 12:30–3:00 in 146 CFA.
  2. Attendance will be taken, and excessive absences can lower your grade.
  3. Bookmark the schedule page and visit it often.
  4. Join the Class Discord Server. It will be used regularly for discussion, reading responses, and assignment submission.
  5. Zoom will be used during class to share screens to make code viewing easier. It will also be recorded so students can review after class, or in the event of an illness-related absence.
  6. The class consists of a series of lectures and graded exercises that will provide context and groundwork for two web projects.
  7. Web projects will be graded at the work-in-progress critique stage and at final submission.
  8. Plan on spending at least four hours outside of class working on assignments.
  9. Contact the instructor at any time if you have questions or require assistance with an assignment.