Ex03: CSS Flexbox and Grid — Part 2 Grid

Under Construction

CSS Grid

CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional grid-based layout system, supplanting the use of older methods of tables, floats, positioning and inline-block display.

Grid works well with flexbox, which controls flow in one-direction.

Grid Basic Terms

Grid Container

The direct parent element that display: grid is applied to.

Grid Item

The direct children (descendants) of the parent grid container.

Grid Line

The vertical and horizontal dividing lines that make up the columns and rows of the grid.

Grid Cell

The space at the intersection of a column and a row. It’s the single unit of a grid.

Grid Track

The space between two adjacent grid lines, defining the columns or rows of the grid.

Grid Area

Any space surrounded by four grid lines, composed of any number of grid cells.


Step 1: