
Amatryx Gaming Lab & Studio (AGLS) is a lab in the Department of Media Study at University at Buffalo dedicated to gaming, virtual reality, social justice, and community storytelling projects. The lab combines cutting edge research on games, culture, and narrative with development projects in analogue, digital, and virtual reality games. Amatryx is committed to the diverse exploration of social justice narratives with intersectional queer and feminist values, such as antinormativity, relationality, coalitionality, and resistance. Here we think critically about play and narrative as means for imagining more equitable and transformative futures. We strive to act ethically and with integrity as we interact with and empower our members and the communities we aim to serve.

See the projects page for more information about current projects. Amatryx is interested in hosting gaming events and programs with community partners, including LGBTQ+ game nights and workshops and youth game design classes. We also welcome ideas for future collaborations and projects––please contact us if you would like to know more or would like to work with us!

Values Statement

The Amatryx Gaming Lab & Studio (AGLS), is a community driven group that builds a safe space for the intersectional exploration of queer, feminist, and social justice narratives. This is both a safe space and brave space that encourages deliberation, inquiry, introspection, and self-care. Here we think, design, and play critically in order to imagine better futures. We strive to act ethically and with integrity as we interact with and embolden our members and the communities we aim to serve. Acceptance is imperative, with both the individual and the idea, encouraging growth and development through interaction. We support the bravery of creativity and encourage diverse perspectives and brainstorming. And of course, we deeply encourage protecting and caring for your self and others through promoting personal and collective well-being and valuing difference. And of course, we embrace play, experimentation, and failure!