Celebrating Global Game Jam 2024!

Thanks to everyone who attended and supported Global Game Jam 2024’s site at UB, co-hosted by Buffalo Game Space, Amatryx, Department of Media Study, UB Game Dev Club, and the UB Center for the Arts! With generous support provided by UB Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Dunkin Donuts, and the Mellon Foundation.

This was the first Global Game Jam held in Buffalo since 2018, and we were thrilled with the turnout: over 80 people attended, and 23 games were made. The games varied widely in addressing the GGJ 2024 theme of “Make Me Laugh,” from platformers to dating sims to comic card games to a ninja tickle simulator, and it was great to see what people made over the 3 days of the jam. Congratulations to everyone who completed a game, especially for first-time jammers!

We’ll be back to host GGJ 2025, and in the mean time will continue to have a variety of great events, programming, and jams with Buffalo Game Space. The first Amatryx game night of 2024 will take place on Tuesday, February 27 at 6 PM in CFA 286, featuring the GGJ games. Stay tuned for more!

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