Syllabus — Academic Policies


In-person attendance is required for regularly scheduled class sessions and individual consultations.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to communicate with the instructor and review the class schedule to be aware of all current and upcoming projects. Contact the instructor if you have questions regarding the class at the time of your absence. If you have an excused absence *please* discuss this with the instructor via email or in person.

Students are permitted 3 unexcused absences without penalty. After a third unexcused absence, 10% will be deducted from your final grade per unexcused absence. A student with more than 5 unexcused absences will be considered failing.

*Note: An unexcused absence on any critique or presentation day will result in a zero for that grade. See the instructor and UB policy for information on acceptable excuses (i.e. documented serious medical issues, death, or involuntary incarceration through no fault of the student) or if you know in advance you will not be present for an excusable absence.

Tardiness Policy: Arriving later than 10 minutes after the start of class, or leaving prior to class dismissal by the instructor, will result in 1/2 absence for that class.

For six week summer sessions, two unexcused absences will be allowed before a 10% penalty per additional absence takes effect.

Remote Attendance Option, with Permission of Instructor: While your in-person attendance and participation are essential components of this course, it is critical that you follow public health guidelines. As such, any student exhibiting COVID-19 or other virus symptoms should not attend class in-person, and request to join via Zoom. If you need to miss class due to virus, isolation or quarantine, you must notify the instructor by email as soon as possible and no later than 24-hours after missing class. At that time, you are also expected to make arrangements to complete missed work.

Under rare circumstances, if a medical condition or other unavoidable circumstance results in an excessive number of absences, the student may request a grade of “I”, incomplete. Assignments must otherwise have been turned in on time, the average grade of work submitted to date must be passing, and the request must be made before the semester ends. See UB’s policy on Incomplete grades.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a fundamental university value and is critical to the learning process. It is your responsibility as a student to complete your work in an honest fashion, upholding the expectations your individual instructors have for you in this regard. The ultimate goal is to ensure that you learn the content in your courses in accordance with UB’s Academic Integrity Policy. Thank you for upholding your own personal integrity and ensuring UB’s tradition of academic excellence.

Examples of Academic Integrity Policy violations include:

  • Aiding in academic dishonesty.
  • Cheating.
  • Falsifying academic materials.
  • Misrepresenting documents.
  • Plagiarizing (see below).
  • Purchasing academic assignments.
  • Selling academic assignments.
  • Submitting previously submitted work.


According to the UB Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarizing involves “representing the ideas or work (e.g., written text, computer code, artwork) of another as one’s own or improperly referencing original authors.”

The sources of all quoted or appropriated material (including code, visual content, and AI generated text or imagery) must be credited.


If you have any disability which requires reasonable accommodations to enable you to participate in this course, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources in 60 Capen Hall, 716-645-2608 and also the instructor of this course during the first week of class. The office will provide you with information and review appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations.